NORTH AMERICAN T-28 Trojan V1.0 for X-Plane

North American T-28 Trojan for X-Plane

K&A Development Team are proud to announce the North American T28 Trojan!

The T28 Trojan is both an advanced and a fun aircraft all at once! The flight model is closely modeled against the real world aircraft, and simulated failures are in full effect! To add even more fun into the mix this aircraft also features various modes of 'game play. This allows the user to just have fun and fly around without having to worry about anything, or fly in an advanced mode as a serious simmer. The choice is yours!


1. Le samedi 17 septembre 2011, 01:20 par bla

Des fois on passe sur un blog et on se dit qu'on a bien fait, surtout quand on est un noob. Je reviendrais :D !